Logar Insulation

See Our Eclectia Isospring Water Insulation And Water Isolation Product With New Generation Production Technologies In Logar Isolations.


Existing logars are made in two systems.

a) Molded system concrete is prepared by laying logar, external insulation of the prepared logars, Eclectia ISOFIXastar is applied in addition to Eclectia İsospring 2 layers. For more information about Eclectia ISOSPRING waterproofing and waterproofing products, you can examine our products section.

b) Prepared by stacking with prepared chimneys The chimney joints are filled with repair mortar and after receiving your repair mortar premium, the application is completed in two layers with Eclectia ISOSPRING. Alternatively, this application can be done with our Eclectia ISOROOF product.